How to Make the Best Use of the Facebook Live Feature

Facebook live feature

Facebook live feature

Ever since Facebook was launched in the year 2004, there have been so many developments and announcements that have increased the Internet buzz to an entirely different level altogether. With every change, there are adverse effects on the marketing strategies, advertising campaigns and content plans of businesses all across the world. One such important change that has indeed, literally multiplied return on investment is the new Facebook Live feature. There are reports that suggest that live videos are capable of increasing the interactions to as much as six times the regular videos that are posted.

If you are not using the Live feature, you are likely missing out on a great marketing opportunity that could do absolute wonders to your company, and not to forget so many leads and sales.

It is understandable that live videos have an additional pressure, because you cannot edit the video and the camera can also be intimidating, the quality may fluctuate. But, being real on the camera is equal to being real to your audience, and it establishes a whole new level of trust amongst your audience. So, if haven’t tried out this feature yet, do it now.

(1) Where could you start with? An upcoming webinar or conference would be perfect. You could share the details of the upcoming event through a series of live videos, also providing your audience with links for registrations.

(2) Also, you could hold a live question-answer session, where you can ask your followers to post their questions in the comments, and you could answer some of the selected questions. This is a very effective way of promoting direct interaction with your customers.

(3) You might also want to promote your blog through Facebook live. So, every time you post a new article, you could do a shot video making an announcement about the same, giving a small video description about your blog.

(4) You could also do a live product or service demonstration of your latest product/service. For example, if you own a store that sells beauty products, and you have launched a new facial pack, you could do a live video with a full demonstration of how to use the facial.

(5) Make sure you use a stable camera and take care of the lighting, before you go live. You don’t want your live video to look like some creepy, horror movie trailer.

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