Are Brooks Brothers Shirts Worth it?

As most of you know, Brooks Brothers sells non-iron, non-dry clean shirts that cost a bundle. Recently I bought 4 shirts with my brother and we each spend close to $100 on 2 shirts. Before we jumped on this purchase, my brother asked me to hash it out with him if it was worth spending that much on shirts.

The analysis came down a few factors.

  1. How reliable are Brooks Brother’s shirts?
  2. How much does dry cleaning cost?
  3. Do I like ironing?

To answer the first question, I went online and researched a bit and found this article. This author described her experience with her husband spending a considerable amount of money on Brooks Brothers shirts. She admits that non-iron shirts are amazing because their quality is superb and they come out of the dryer without a single wrinkle.

In her story, he husband had spent $65 a shirt, where he could have spent about 20 at a department store on a much lower quality shirt. The lower quality shirt would also require dry clean runs if the owner hates ironing. Assuming a shirt costs $1.50 to dry clean and you dry clean the shirt twice a month, that would come out to $3 a month or 36 dollars a year.

Some authors believe that Brooks Brother’s shirts only last 2 years. If that’s the case, then your 20 dollar shirt would now cost an additional 72 dollars to maintain not withstanding the hassle of going to pick up the shirts, standing in lines, etc.

Bottom Line: If you hate ironing and running around to dry cleaners, you should definitely take advantage of the Brooks Brothers shirt sale going on now!

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5 Responses

  1. Thanks Beverly, I couldn’t agree more. I need to return one of the shirts because it doesn’t fit me! #firstworldproblems 🙂

  2. You should. I wore one of them last weekend and then washed it with my other clothes.. It came back perfect… just amazing 🙂

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