4 Great Inexpensive Dates Part #2

Summer is upon us and in the summer people tend to want to be outdoors more often and spend as much time “getting sun”. Living in DC, it’s hard to miss people constantly going on dates and spending time outdoors taking advantage of the weather. I recently went on a few dates and came up with four inexpensive fun dates that both take advantage of the summer weather and also left both parties having fun. Without wasting any more time…

Drive-Thru Movies

Most major cities provide “Movie on the Lawn” nights among other types of free screenings of latest films. Just last week I saw one of the Fast Furious movies for free with a date. I brought two lawn chairs and a cooler of beers, spritzers, and wine. I had a great time and spent very little on the date. Google Free Movie Screenings for your local city.


This is another great activity that is relatively inexpensive. On a very hot humid summer day, what would two people want more than to sit in a freezing cold river that is completely enclosed by trees. The biggest concern most people have with tubing is getting sunburned, however, buying a bottle of sunscreen and just relaxing as you slowly travel down the river is very fun.

Ice Cream Lessons

I recently signed up for a course on how to make ice cream and took a girl on a date to try this out. The experience was inexpensive and fun and the best part was I made myself my own quart of ice cream that I could later snack on while watching television. I highly recommend this on a summer day when you’re looking to cool down and enjoy some delicious snacks.

Golf Tournament

This would only work with certain types of folks but some people really enjoy watching golf and don’t mind getting a little sweaty on a summer day. I tried this recently and had a great time with the date I was on. The tickets were only $12 a person and we both got a lot of fun souvenirs.

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9 Responses

  1. David: These are great ideas. I’ve been married for 18 years but when my husband and I were dating we went on many cheap dates. I respected him for being so good with money and really enjoyed our dates. He surprised me by buying a house for us a month before our wedding, using a very large down payment. It pays to save for the bigger ticket items that really make a difference for a couple! Beverly

    1. That’s a great story Beverly. I always say that 2 people in a relationship need to share the same values. As always thanks for commenting!

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