Useful Blogging Platforms for the Websites in 2018



Blogging platforms are one of the most effective ways to promote the products, content or oneself to a mass media. However, being a novice in this profession may create a lot of trouble because of the number of blogging platforms present on the internet. The wideness of the internet is sometimes problematic too. Therefore, to help the newbies in the blogging arena a few blogging platforms are listed which are creating a huge sensation on the internet.

Most effective blogging platforms

There’s no one who is unaware of the power of words. Anyone can create a huge impact if good with words. Therefore, most of the people today are using platforms to spread their ideas, promote their writings and even for the growth of their business. Below is the list of some of the major blogging platforms of 2018.

  1. WordPress

WordPress is one of the most used platforms for bloggers. It is a mixture of both beginners and experienced bloggers. The blog comes in two forms, that is, and The best part is both of them are free of cost and open source content management systems. Its easy access is the reason behind its immense success. those people who are hungry for power and name must use this WordPress to reach out to people.

  1. Tumblr

Tumblr is highly simple and basic in its usage. It’s that platform where people can post literally anything. They can post TV shows, jokes, useful links and many more such things. The most fascinating part of Tumblr is that it acts as a social networking site where its users can blog and reblog posts and do many more such things.

  1. Blogger

Blogger is another free service for bloggers which was bought by Google in 2003 from Pyra Labs. It is quite simple in its working. To access it, one just needs to sign in with their Google IDs and can post the blogs. Another benefit is that it can be customised with new and attractive themes.

  1. Medium

Established in 2012 by Evan Williams, it is a free blogging platform which can be used by anyone without any difficulty. It also provides with WYSIWYG user interface when someone wants to edit online. Medium is quite similar to Facebook in its working, its “claps” function is used at the place of likes on Facebook for the promotion of articles and blogs.

  1. Joomla

Joomla is an open source platform similar to with it, one can develop websites. Here, the users can manage their contents whenever they want to. One can choose templates from hundreds of them for the customisation of the website. With the availability of several extensions, one can use the platform for putting features in the website.

  1. Cloudflare

It is basically a content developing platform. One can develop cache content through it. It works on a very high speed.

The above platforms are the most popular platforms for content development. However, these are only a few names of blogging platforms, one can also use other services for managing the content.

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