Advantages and Disadvantages of Pre-Employment Drug Testing

Drug testing

Drug testing

Pre employment drug test is an effective way to test any kind of drug consumption in a fresher to be employed. This can be seen in various small and large industries or organizations and this test helps them to choose the right candidate who is best suited for the culture and environment to be provided by the organizations. This is also done to keep the drug abusers to a far distance from the organizations and from other type of business workstations. This method of testing involves various small test that includes blood test, urine test, hair test and saliva test. Every test provides with different details that will generate the final result. These tests are carried out at clinical stations but now a day some of the organizations have their own drug test kit that make the whole procedure easy and less time consuming. Like every other thing in this world, this per employment drug test also has its own advantages and disadvantages. These are mentioned below:

Advantages of Pre-Employment Drug Testing:

This test is considered very important and is necessary for any organization before allowing their freshmen to enter their business workstation. Following advantages are analyzed:

1. Probable drug habits of the freshmen are noticed in these tests which help them to avoid the addicts to get into the business firm. This will stop the recruiters to select those drug abuser job candidates to avoid in future misconduct in the whole workstation.

2. This will eventually create a drug free environment which will also be inoffensive. No misconducts would be expected from any job candidate regarding the drug abuse.

3. This will also help in boosting the reputation of organization and will be a great success for the organization. This will create a fear in mind of the drug addicts to keep away from the work place and will not apply for the same organization in any profile available to be filled. This fear is created by the drug test being held.

4. This test also reduces the health care policies of the organization that will save a lot of money for the organization.

Disadvantages of Pre Employment Drug Test:

There are some negatives aspects also related to drug test that are:

1. Jobseekers feel a desecration of their privacy.

2. In case if results are not correct could also affect the career of the new comer.

3. This would led to increase in interview cost and also take a long time oh the hiring procedure.

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